'Stoppel' zum Verschluss der Harnröhre

Darüber urteilte Marie Stopes, die schottische Pionierin der Familienplanung, vernichtend: "It appeared to me wholly dangerous and absurd ... I know of no argument against its total condemnation."

Im Volltext: "Pin or stud-like apparatus supposed to close the male urethra to secure against unpremeditated ejaculation which might take place before coitus interruptus was accomplished. This apparatus was brought to me by its inventor some years ago. It appeared to me wholly dangerous and absurd, but it may have got into use by some ignorant people. I know of no argument against its total condemnation."

aus: Contraception (Birth Control), its Theory, History and Practice by Marie Carmichael Stopes, 1923, Seite 132

Gamic genetic laboratories, Potto, Northallerton, Yorkshire, Gt. Britain
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