Tours for schools

Guided tours for schools (90 minutes)
per person € 8,- or € 90,- flat rate,
if less than 12 persons participate.

Registration and scheduling of appointments:
+43/699/178 178 06 or 

Important! Cancellation policy:
Appointment cancellations must be made at least 3 days in advance, otherwise we have to charge you the flat rate of € 90.

Contraception setting an example

Sexual education in schools is important in order to prevent unwanted pregnancies and abortions:
Texts, audio contributions and videos

‚Wonderland’ Own Body

What is more interesting and at the same time unsettling for teenagers and young adults than the own body with all its exciting functions? Every following generation will have the very same questions as did we – the many questions about the ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, ‘too big’ and ‘too small’; many questions, but few dialogs with competent partners: asking parents or teachers would be embarrassing, the knowledge of peers is equally limited and pornographic websites tell their own ‘truths’.

An excursion to the Museum for Contraception and Abortion – alone, with friends, or in a group – can answer a lot of questions: a group may range from 15 to 26 persons; 1 companion is allowed to participate, but it is recommended to leave the youngsters alone to protect their privacy and allow for room to ask very personal questions.

Age and previous knowledge of participants determines how the transfer of knowledge will be structured. Also, we respect that there are – based on gender or ethnic background – different approaches to this topic. For very young audiences, we show short films about contraception right at the beginning of a tour. In any case, visual aids like demonstration materials that are passed around are important and motivate to ask further questions. Participants are encouraged to ask everything they would like to know – there are no wrong, stupid or embarrassing questions. Our experience shows that the tours usually take a lot longer than the anticipated 1-hour lesson. This sometimes is an organizational challenge for instructors or companions, but demonstrates the participants’ need for it.

Dealing with pornography is also an important topic, as teenagers and young adults are – thanks to the Internet – frequently exposed to it. Misconceptions and unrealistic expectations of fertility, performance, and boundaries of aggression need to be addressed. Another key point is the presentation of the many contraceptive methods that are nowadays available to us. Especially for girls it is important to know the whole spectrum. Often, some methods are opposed for health or social reasons, but not replaced with alternative options.

Political developments regarding financial and legislative approaches to contraception and abortion, as well as the current Zeitgeist should call the attention of teenagers and young adults and make clear that dealing with one’s own fertility is a personal matter and as such has to be decided on individually – if necessary, one has to fight for the right to do so. This includes safe access to family planning clinics, which under no circumstances should be denied or made difficult for anyone.

At the end of the tour free contraceptives and information are offered, provided that sponsoring companies are available.